Military budgets of various countries are increasing..

Different countries of the world are leaning towards new weapons. Arms factories in developed countries are competing for weapons. Developing countries are also running behind developed countries. No one is sitting. Looking at the budget of the military sector of different countries for the next year, it is understood which way the world is going. Some are making weapons, others are lining up to buy weapons. In the face of the terrible global economic recession, only in the heat of the Ukraine Russia war, most of the countries of the world are believed to be indiscriminately increasing their own military and defense spending.
According to the data provided by several military research institutes and think tanks, due to the global war situation, in the current year 2023, about 180 countries around the world are going to spend approximately 2.8 trillion dollars or more to strengthen the military and defense sector. In particular, America, the world’s number one military superpower, has created a new record by allocating the largest military budget. In March 2023, the American Biden administration revealed the size of the possible military budget for 2024. According to information provided by the White House, the Office of the President of the United States of America, the United States has recommended a possible budget allocation of 886 billion dollars for the military and defense sector for 2024. And within this budget, the US Defense Department “Pentagon” will get a huge military and defense budget allocation of 842 billion dollars. However, for the current year 2023, the US administration allocated a military budget of 858 billion US dollars in 2022. However, in this new military budget proposed for 2024, an additional 28 billion dollars have been allocated. According to the US government, this increased military budget will be used to strengthen its own security system against the upcoming military threats from Russia and China.
Giant China has emerged as the world’s second largest military and defense spender. China’s Xi Jinping government announced a massive military budget of 1.5537 trillion yuan or 224.78 billion dollars in March 2023. Which is 7.2% more than last year 2022 as China’s own currency Yuan. Whereas China’s total military budget in 2022 was 229.6 billion dollars and in 2021 it was 209 billion.
Russia has incredibly doubled its annual military budget to continue its ongoing military aggression in Ukraine and counter the Western world’s NATO alliance. According to various military studies and information provided by Reuters News, Russia has allocated or will spend 9.4 trillion rubles or 140 billion dollars in military budget for the current year 2023. And with that, Russia has emerged as the world’s third largest military spender. Russia is believed to have spent more than $132.1 billion in 2022 to keep the war in Ukraine going. However, in reality, Russia’s military and defense spending may be much higher.
India has also increased its military budget every year in the current fiscal year 2023-24 to counter rising border tensions and military threats from China and Pakistan. According to Reuters News, India approved a total military and defense budget of 72.6 billion dollars or 5.94 trillion rupees for the current fiscal year 2023-24 at the beginning of last February. Which was 13% more military budget or spending allocation than last year. Whereas in the last fiscal year 2022-23, India allocated a total military budget of 70.6 billion dollars.
Among other influential countries in the world, the United Kingdom has allocated the highest expenditure of about 60 billion dollars in the military and defense sector in 2023. Along with that, Japan 55 billion dollars, Germany 55.4 billion dollars, France 48 billion dollars, Italy 26.5 billion dollars. Moreover, during the same period, Turkey allocated $25.2 billion and Iran nearly $25 billion in military spending. It means that the whole world is currently in a state of war and an ominous tension and anticipation of World War III.
In December 2022, Japan alone allocated a massive 5-year military budget of $320 billion in a move away from its previous pacifist stance. Basically, Japan will spend this money to modernize its military and to develop and buy new lethal weapons in order to face the strong military threat and aggression of Russia, North Korea and China. And through this, Japan is going to make its debut in the entire Asia Pacific region by becoming strong in military power and weapons. Now, if in any way, at the behest or instigation of America, China gets a chance to make nuclear weapons, it can cause a terrible disaster for the entire Asia Pacific region in the future.
Moreover, the wealthy Arab countries of the Middle East have been named as one of the world’s military spending regions. As one of the most influential countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has allocated a military budget of 69 billion dollars for the current year 2023. In terms of military budget and expenditure in the current year 2023, among other countries in the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates allocated 23.2 billion dollars, Qatar 13.4 billion dollars, Israel 22 billion dollars, Kuwait 6.4 billion dollars and Bahrain 1.35 billion dollars.
Pakistan, in the face of severe economic crisis, has allocated an incredible $12 billion military budget for 2023. Moreover, among other countries in South Asia, the military and defense budget allocation of Bangladesh in the fiscal year 2022-23 was 4.3 billion dollars. Moreover, for 2023, Sri Lanka allocates $1.45 billion, Nepal $393 million, Bhutan nearly $30 million, and Myanmar most likely $3.2 billion.##

Indias military budget#new weapon# world arms market# usa military budget#pentagon#US Defense Department#
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