Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has experienced significant success!

Sherazur Rahman##

According to the UK-based Time Higher Education, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore is ranked as the fourth-best Asian university in 2024. It is significantly known for its innovative research and technological advancements. The university has already gained global recognition since its establishment in 1981.

It currently holds the impressive 26th position among the top 100 universities in the world in the QS University Ranking 2024. Nanyang Technological University has over 32,000 students, including both undergraduate and postgraduate students. On the other hand, the university is enriched with 5,748 international students as of 2024.

Actually, a team of scientists from this university has recently achieved a significant breakthrough by creating thin semiconductor fibers suitable for weaving. This groundbreaking technology, called fiber, combines synthetic fibers with semiconductor material and is now creating a new era.

Scientists use a silicon semiconductor core with a silica glass tube and a germanium core with an aluminosilicate glass tube in their fiber technology. This new technology allows for signal transmission up to 350 kHz and is claimed to be 30 times more strong than standard fibers.

The production of wearable smart electronics includes fibers made from a mix of advanced semiconductors and normal fibers. A smart hat has been developed to test the effectiveness of this innovative fiber, which enables visually impaired individuals to cross the road safely using smartphone signals.

Besides, in July 2022, Nanyang Technological University successfully launched three high-tech satellites into low-earth orbit. These satellites consist of 1 DS-EO satellite weighing 365 kg, 1 Neo-SAR satellite weighing 155 kg, and 1 small SCOB-1 satellite weighing 2.8 kg. This Satallites project was a collaborative effort between teachers and students at the university.

On the other hand, a few years ago, a research team from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and Tsinghua University in China achieved a breakthrough in generating electricity from a stretchable and waterproof fabric. This innovative fabric can convert energy from slight body movements into electrical power and contains a polymer that efficiently converts mechanical stress into electricity.

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