Japan’s Nihon Hidankyo has received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Japan’s Nihon Hidankyo won the Nobel Peace Prize for convincing people against the atomic bomb.It is an organization that tries to take any action against atomic bombs worldwide.They have been doing this for a long time. They have been able to explain to the people of Japan in particular that atomic bombs only bring destruction to the world.
According to the Nobel Committee, a total of 286 applications were submitted for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. Of these, 197 were applications for individual awards and the remaining 89 were applications for institutional awards. Among all, the Nobel Committee has chosen this year to work on the atomic bomb.
The Nobel Committee recognized these efforts as vital contributions to global peace, acknowledging the moral authority of Hibakusha in the fight against nuclear weapons and the organization’s role in fostering a culture of peace and reconciliation.
1945 incident. Near the end of World War II. Two Japanese cities were destroyed overnight. On August 6, the atomic bomb ‘Little Boy’ was dropped on Hiroshima. Just three days after that on August 9, ‘Fat Man’ hit Nagasaki.Since then there have been many wars in the last 80 years. But no country has dared to use nuclear weapons in any war.
Nihon Hidankyo (日本被団協) is the abbreviated name for the “Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations” (Nihon Hidankyo or 日本被団協 in Japanese). It is a national organization in Japan that represents the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who are known as Hibakusha. The group was established in 1956 with the goal of advocating for the rights, health, and welfare of atomic bomb survivors, as well as working towards the abolition of nuclear weapons worldwide.
Hidankyo has been instrumental in raising awareness about the human suffering caused by nuclear weapons, advocating for government compensation and healthcare support for Hibakusha, and participating in international anti-nuclear campaigns. The organization also collaborates with other global peace movements, emphasizing the need for disarmament and a world free from the threat of nuclear war.
Their work is based on the testimonies and experiences of the Hibakusha, who have long campaigned for nuclear disarmament and have shared their stories as living witnesses to the catastrophic effects of nuclear warfare. The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, known as Nihon Hidankyo, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. This recognition was primarily for its efforts in advocating for nuclear disarmament and for the rights of atomic bomb survivors, known as Hibakusha.
Advocacy for Hibakusha, Nihon Hidankyo has tirelessly worked to support survivors of the atomic bombings, pushing for government recognition, compensation, and healthcare for those affected. Promotion of Peace, The organization has been a vocal advocate for nuclear disarmament, raising awareness of the catastrophic humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons through testimonies and educational initiatives. International Cooperation, Nihon Hidankyo has engaged in international peace movements, collaborating with various organizations to promote a world free of nuclear weapons. Testimonies and Education, By sharing the personal stories of Hibakusha, the organization has highlighted the human cost of nuclear warfare, contributing to a broader understanding of the consequences of nuclear arms.
Nihon Hidankyo’s efforts and activities that contributed to its Nobel Peace Prize recognition encompass a range of works focused on advocacy, education, and international collaboration. Here are some key aspects that have been evaluated.
The organization has worked extensively to ensure that atomic bomb survivors receive medical care, financial support, and recognition of their suffering. This includes lobbying the Japanese government for policy changes and compensation programs.
Nihon Hidankyo has engaged in various campaigns to raise awareness about the realities of nuclear warfare. They have organized events, exhibitions, and lectures to educate the public about the impact of the atomic bombings. Collecting and disseminating the testimonies of Hibakusha has been a central part of their mission. These personal accounts serve to inform and educate both domestic and international audiences about the horrors of nuclear weapons.
International Peace Movements also. The organization has participated in international peace conferences and collaborates with global movements advocating for nuclear disarmament. They have engaged with organizations like the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
Nihon Hidankyo has produced research and publications that document the health effects of radiation exposure and advocate for the rights of survivors, contributing to the broader understanding of nuclear issues. The organization has been involved in legal efforts to secure rights for Hibakusha, including filing lawsuits against the government for better recognition and support for atomic bomb survivors.
These collective efforts illustrate the organization’s commitment to promoting peace and preventing the use of nuclear weapons, making a significant impact in the fields of public health, human rights, and international diplomacy. The Nobel Committee recognized these contributions as vital for the global movement towards disarmament and peace.## kazimonsur@gmail.com