-- বিজ্ঞাপন ---

The Honor and Dignity of ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim’


Sherazur Rahman##

There are a total of 6,666 verses in 114 surahs contained in the Holy Qur’an, the holy book sent by Almighty Allah. In which there is a more honorable verse or sentence by Allah. It is a complete verse of a Surah, except for Surah Tawba alone; it has to be recited at the beginning of the other 113 Surahs. And that holy verse or sentence is Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim (بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلَرَّرْمَٰنِ ٱلَرَّحِيمِ). It is a complete verse of the Surah Namal of the Holy Qur’an and a must-read at the beginning of all other Surah readings.

The English translation of the Arabic verse of the Holy Qur’an “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” is “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful.” Although there is some disagreement among the Imams of the Muslim world about whether this verse is part of Surah Fatiha or Surah Namal, according to Imam Abu Hanifa Rahimahullah and his followers, Islamic thinkers, and scholars, ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim’ is not part of Surah Fatiha or any other Surah. This is a verse from Surah Namal. In fact, it was revealed for the purpose of obtaining more blessings and to create a difference between the two Surahs.

But in any case, “Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim” is a self-contained verse by Surah Namal. And there is no difference between the imams and the scholars on this matter. However, another famous Imam of Islam, Shafi’i, Abdullah Ibn Mubarak, and his followers are of the opinion that ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim’ is a part of Surah Fatiha. That’s why they used to recite ‘Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim’ aloud in prayer, and their followers still pray in this manner. Moreover, it is obligatory to preserve its sanctity and honor, like every other verse of the Surah. It is not permissible to touch it without Ouzo.

Basically, in the pre-Islamic period, the Arabs of Mecca used to start any work with the names of various gods and goddesses. However, after the revelation of the verse ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim’ in the Holy Qur’an of Almighty Allah to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SA), may God bless him and grant him peace, canceling all previous meditation ideas and thoughts. At the behest and direction of Almighty Allah, He introduced the rule of saying or reciting the verse and especially the word “Bismillah” at the beginning of every good deed and work. Since then, it has continued in Muslim society until today. Which will remain in force until the Day of Resurrection, Insha’Allah.

A very dignified Arabic word, ‘Bismillah, is a phrase or word to be recited at the beginning of every good deed. In addition to that, at the beginning of the recitation of the Holy Quran, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” is said. And with this ‘Bismillah’, all the surahs except the only surah, Tauba, have been started. All devout Muslims say ‘Bismillah’ on the eve of starting a work directed by Almighty Allah and supported by Islamic law. However, saying ‘Bismillah’ for any wrongdoing or non-Islamic act but directly deceiving and rebelling against Allah is included in the grave sin, for which we must be careful and cautious.

It is revealed here that by commanding to start every good deed with “Bismillah”, basically, the entire movement and activities of human life are diverted from everything else and run towards Allah Almighty alone. By beginning every good deed by saying “Bismillah”, a believer acknowledges obedience to ‘Allah and stays by it every moment. And so the existence and all the actions of a Muslim cannot be done without the help of Almighty ‘Allah’. And as a result of this intention, every positive and good deed in the real life of a believer becomes a beautiful act of worship.##

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